We had a couple of mid-nineties days, and then four days of drenching rains and nighttime temps in the 50s, and even hail. The garden is confused, and I'm not a good enough gardener to know what it needs now. I'm just watching it. Propping up the flattened tomatoes, pruning off the dead leaves and making sure the bottom leaves aren't sitting in the mud. But everything seems to be doing ok. The tomatoes and peppers and eggplants have some hail damage, not as bad as the flowers and salad greens. They are kind of sitting there and not growing, like the cucumbers. But they look healthy, and we are back into hot temperatures this week. The beans are growing, I'm planting new ones where they didn't come up. Behind them are two strips of sunflowers, covered with screens because something keeps digging them up every time I plant them.
Hail-battered beans. The front yard garden and flowers are worse. But it's nothing like what they got in other parts of Colorado. Entire crops are ruined.
Charlie through the peas! You have never seen "alert," until you have lived with a border collie.
I planted these peas the second week of March. I think I thought they would be setting pods before now. But I'm so happy with the delicate flowers and the baby pods. The flower is exquisite, it tastes like a pea. Maybe some year I can find room for a whole field of peas, just to harvest the flowers and not feel guilty that it won't turn into a pod.
Dancing peas.
We have had some beautiful salads from the garden. Walking out the back door while dinner finishes cooking, picking ten kinds of greens and having them on the table five minutes after they're picked . . .that is something I don't think I will ever want to give up.
French Breakfast radishes.
Potatoes, coming along.
They start out in such neat rows. Even after weeding, it's a tangle of peas and lettuces.