E is getting so brave with Charlie, she loves to walk him on his leash.
They are such good friends. I love to watch how they hang on each other's words and die laughing at each other's stories. A best friend is so important when you're 7 and 8.
The late afternoon light in the winter in Colorado is golden and lovely.
A lot of bobby pins went into her Christmas picture hair!
We walk in the cemetery a lot with Charlie. The girls are so interested in the headstones, and they always stop to say a Hail Mary and an Our Father. They make up stories about the lives of the people who are buried there.
They wanted to climb in Jesus' lap like he was Santa. I think that's more sweet than sacreligious. I hope they feel that way about Him.
Saying goodbye and comparing treasures they found on their walk. A long pheasant feather, and some pretty rocks.