Farm-to-Table brunch this morning at DeLaney Farm in Aurora. They made breakfast burritos with produce from their own fields. It's an historic farm started by Irish immigrants, who deeded their land to the city as open space and a place to grow food. A lot of labor, paid and volunteer, goes into growing food on this farm, donating it, and delivering it to CSA members.
This is how you would make salsa if you had a whole field full of heirloom tomatoes. It was amazing.
We got there really early and staked out a table. When they started serving breakfast, we put our coffee and orange juice cups and a jacket & bag at each seat to hold our place. We came back from getting burritos to find people sitting at our table, our drinks gone, and our stuff swept into the dirt next to the table. I tried not to let that ruin my morning, but it was hard. I didn't feel like taking pictures for awhile, so I don't have any of the breakfast.
My high school friend T, the most talented gardener I know, came with us. Everything is more fun with him. He brought an elegant carpet to sit on and his iPad and speakers with music, and we set it up in the dirt and had a great time anyway.
After brunch, we walked out into the fields and saw their bee houses.
I got so many good ideas, from signs to smart ways to stake tomatoes. They do rows of fencing with tomatoes tied to each side, and also a single stake or rebar for each plant, with the main stem tied to it with plastic ties, and the rest pruned away.
Aurora peppers, which turn purple-black when ripe, and are supposed to be insanely hot.
T had just been telling us about Indigo Rose tomatoes, which he tasted for the first time at his community garden. He was blown away by how sweet and smoky they are. And then we saw them in the field. They are truly purple.
Once we got past the table-stealers, everyone was so friendly and happy to be there.
Onions and greens.
. . . and pumpkins!