The frost-hardy plants that were big enough have gone outside to the raised beds. There are containers on the porch with more cold-tolerant plants. The tomatoes and peppers and cucumbers are getting big. I hope I can manage to keep them happy inside until late May.
I think the pole beans are probably going to get too big before it's warm enough for them to go in the ground, so I will either have to rig up some kind of cold frame, or consider them a loss. R has had fun to watching how fast they get so big, so it's not a total loss.
In the foreground, lemon basil, purple basil, asters and Charentais melons. In the background, summer savory, lavender, Aunt Ruby German Green and Brandywine heirloom tomatoes, and Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes.
The tomatoes are beyond ready to go into bigger pots. I have to do that soon.
Lemon cucumbers, sugar baby watermelons, beans in the back and regular bush cucumbers on the right.
Even the windowsill has been annexed for cilantro.
I am embarrassed to admit, there is actually a corner of the basement with seedlings. Mammoth and Teddy bear sunflowers, salad greens and some flowers.
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