And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more --
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.
Our first Brandywine tomatoes
Elegant Japanese eggplants
Zucchini and lettuces. Big bare spots where the rabbits have eaten new lettuces down to the ground. For the longest time, they didn't bother anything, and then they made up for lost time.
Picking greens for dinner.
The first zucchini harvest! Now there is a thrill that will not linger.
Rainbow chard and onions
I planted sunflowers on either side of the walk going to the shed, thinking they would make a little house for R when they get tall and I tie the tops together. There are morning glories twining up them, but they are closed up for the evening and hard to see. Most of the sunflowers were bent to the ground by a giant gullywasher of a rain we had two weeks ago. I staked them up, and we'll see if they survive and set flowers.
Front yard garden. Peppers and zinnias in the foreground.
Charentais melons, in the back with the pumpkins rambling behind the sheds.
Dinner was penne pasta with tomato sauce, organic chicken sausage, zucchini and basil from the garden. There was supposed to be swiss chard but I forgot about it sitting in the salad spinner.
Salad with our lettuces and nasturtium.
And best of all, dinner al fresco tonight!
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