22 August 2009

A rare August post

Too much life, too little computer. Tuesday is back to school, and yet there are almost no posts for August. Maybe in September I will catch up on the photos and post some. The tomatoes are ripening, the sunflowers have finally burst open. Charlie is getting more long-legged and sweet and charming every day.

My high school friend Robert came from Minneapolis to stay with us, and we had a great visit with our other high school friends Margaret and Jennifer and their families. We all grew up in Albuquerque, how lucky are we to live close enough to Denver now to meet for a party? The kids ate at a kids table on the grass in the backyard. Apparently it involved a lot of tinfoil. I only remember making the kids food the lowest priority and most last minute, we put turkey hot dogs on the grill and piled them on a plate when they were done. And then Jennifer saved the day with her beautiful terracotta platter of quesadillas.

Maybe in September there will be time to take a breath and go through the photos and remember this glorious August.

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