I do have a secret weakness for lame, stay at home vacations. It is just so nice to sleep past dawn and open one eye to watch D take Charlie out of his crate to go outside. He makes waffles, and the smell gets R out of bed and downstairs. I can sleep as long as I like. On Friday we went to a pumpkin patch and ran into her school friend. They were driving by and saw us, and his mom backed her car through the intersection to come over.
Maybe it's because his mom is such a good friend, but I really love this kid. He is very serious--proud but goofy. He reminds me of Ralphie, the "you'll shoot your eye out!" kid from A Christmas Story. Only much more dignified and accomplished, of course--he does Karate, and he can rollerskate backwards.
It was cold and sleety this weekend,turning into snow. So Friday night, we camped out in the living room. We made a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and blew up the air mattress in front of the fire. These are aim-in-the- dark with the flash attachment photos. I love how you just point the camera into the blackness with no idea what will show up.
Charlie had more fun than anyone.
We read scary stories by flashlight and fell asleep. I am tired of the bare fireplace. We can't find a mantel we like, and can afford.
On Saturday, we went to the Highlands neighborhood in North Denver to an art gallery where R's art teacher had a show. We bought two of his prints as an anniversary present to each other.
Because Sunday was our 7th anniversary! We made Halloween cookies to celebrate.
This makes me think of Homer Simpson and his fondness for "floor pie." Charlie was happy about the floor flour.
Serious business. On Sunday, D also took my car to get the headlight fixed, and took Charlie for a walk even though it was snowing hard. What a prince of a man. Tonight I'm thinking about how fun our wedding was, in the basement of St. Joseph's Redemptorist, with the Irish band and the Guinness on tap. Everyone we both love in the same room for a night. Seven years later, not only no regrets, but each day has been happier than the one before. Sometimes cliches are hackneyed because they're true.
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