R was a Snow Fairy. I had a bag of sequins, some glitter and a glue gun, and things got a little out of hand.
Her hair was plain white water-based tempera paint, some glitter hairspray, and some tinsel. I put acrylic jewels on her face with Elmer's Glue and it worked fine. I would have been more elaborate with the silver face paint, but she ran out of patience.
First Grade party.
My personal favorite was the little Elvis.
Trick or treating. The snow melted just in time. It was perfect. We went to a neighborhood chili-cookoff/Halloween party. They announced my name and gave me a ribbon and I thought I had won. I put it on my Facebook because I was so excited. The next morning, I retrieved the ribbon from D's pocket where I had stashed it, and saw that it only said "Muy Caliente." I guess it was the hottest? Not the best. It's amazing how crushed I was. I should have come clean on my Facebook status. But it had been so much fun for those 14 hours when I thought I had won, that I dishonestly left it up. If you bring it up, I'll admit that I didn't win. But I'm not going to go around telling people.
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