It has been a long summer without my camera. Since my computer was out of commission for awhile too, there weren't any blog posts. The camera was expensive to fix, so I waited until I really needed it, for R's 9th birthday party. I'm so happy to have it back. It felt like one of my arms was missing.
We had her party at our neighborhood pool.
Suddenly the sky opened up, with rain and hail.
E caught a hailstone.
I captioned some of these pictures to send to family, but I forgot to save a version without captions.
That was a nice birthday memory--a rainbow just for R.
She wanted a wolf cake, with Oreo frosting. It was so much fun to make. She gets to keep the little wolf figurines and play with them. I bought the edible cupcake toppers on eBay.
Then the girls came back to our house for a slumber party. They are picking out books from the shelves D built for me, to hold my Dad's history scholar's library. R has commandeered some of the lower shelves for her own books.
Eleven girls in the basement!
Charlie wanted so badly to go downstairs. But he has a history of jumping on sleeping heads and licking faces.
Poor Charlie!
He got a lot of love in the morning.
The next morning, they opened presents and D made chocolate chip pancakes, the birthday girl's request.
D built this rope swing for R in the backyard. It swings you right into the bushes, and for some reason, every kid who comes over thinks that is just the most hysterically funny and entertaining thing.
It was fun to have a house full of girls for one night. You forget how little fourth graders are, until they are all swarming around you in the kitchen in their pj's, telling you exactly how much butter and salt they want on their own bag of popcorn.
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